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Cats who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge
A page to remember cats who have crossed over to another plane of existence.

©2003 Genny Bimslager

PurrFurry, from Oregon

Ben & Kate
©198? Deirdre Sandstrom

Ben and Kate, or Yin and Yang


©2003 Alison Doane

Charlie, who was Alison's before Adeline


©2003 Alison Doane

Another friend of Charlie's, Bébé



©2004 Xan Laurence

Tucker, who recently crossed the bridge at the age of 17.


New in March of 2005 --

©2003 Elizabeth Tuckwood

Indy, who seemed to admire his owner's knitting abilities, was recently released to continue his cosmic journey.

Walter with Theresa and Tanya
©1994 D. Brauer

23-lb. Walter, with his human cousins Theresa and Tanya, back in 1994. Walter has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and the girls are grown up.
Walter's mom, Laurel, was also mom to Stevie, Mick, and Tommy Lee.

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