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St. Paul kitties
Three tabby littermates: Mick, Tommy Lee and Stevie

Mick, scaredy cat
©2004 Laurel Stiebler

Mick the scaredy cat, poised to flee

Stevie, angel
©2004 Laurel Stiebler

Mick's littermate Stevie, serene Earth-mother angel

Stevie & Tommy Lee
©2004 Laurel Stiebler

Here's Stevie again, on the left, with another littermate. Feisty Tommy Lee takes after his namesake, actor Tommy Lee Jones.

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

A newer pic of Stevie, who's gotten a tad rounder ...

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Stevie poses for her formal portrait

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Tommy Lee on the top of the cat perch, conducting an invisible orchestra

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Mick the basket-boy

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Everybody's snoozin' in the sun -- top to bottom, Mick, Tommy Lee, Stevie

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Stevie, Mick and Tommy Lee now have a young friend, Calvin


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