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Here's Adeline, also known as The Kid, who lives with her human Alison in St. Paul. She seems to like sinks as much as Cindy Lou.

Adeline snoozing
©2003 Alison Doane

Time for a snooze ...

©2003 Alison Doane

Don't even think about turning on the faucet ...

Adeline, skewed view
©2003 Alison Doane

Well, you look pretty funny, too ...

Adeline yawning
©2003 Alison Doane

Let's get this photo-op over with so I can take my nap.

Adeline, napping
©2003 Alison Doane

Zzzzz ...

Adeline stalking
©2003 Alison Doane

Awake again, and ready for action!

Cat in a basket
©2003 Alison Doane

Well, it's a change from the sink ...

On the windowsill
©2003 Alison Doane

Love the view ...

Adeline wants out
©2003 Alison Doane

Okay, who's going to open the door for me?

Climbing the screen
©2003 Alison Doane

It's a bird! A plane! A screen I can't get through!

What now?
©2003 Alison Doane

Now that I'm out, what do I do?
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