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Oregon, 2006 -- Spokane drive waterfalls
On the way from Portland to Spokane we stopped to see several waterfalls which are popular with tourists: Wakeenah Falls, Multnomah Falls and Horsetail Falls. Multnomah Falls gets the most visitors, but my friends prefer Horsetail Falls because of its more intimate feeling. Having seen all three, I agree that Horsetail Falls is the winner.


©2006 Xan Laurence

Wakeenah Falls


©2006 Xan Laurence

Multnomah Falls

The bridge is a popular place for wedding photos. Once a huge boulder came flying down and landed on the bridge near a wedding party.


©2006 Xan Laurence

.Horsetail Falls

This one is so tall that it's almost impossible to get the whole thing into the frame unless you're standing across the highway from it, as I was.


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