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Oregon, 2006 -- landscapes between Portland and Spokane
Visible for many miles along the Gorge are distant mountains, including Mount Hood, as well as interesting rock formations that often pass too quickly to get a good picture of. With a little judicious cropping, I managed to produce decent frames of Mitchell Point and a weird formation which I do not know the name of.

©2006 Xan Laurence

Mount Hood -- the only really good shot I got out of dozens


©2006 Xan Laurence

Mount Adams, on the Washington side


©2006 Xan Laurence

Mitchell Point -- a little cropping eliminates most of the intrusive highway scene

©2006 Xan Laurence

The weird rocks, seen from below. I don't know if they have a name, or are just an anonymous formation of volcanic rock.

©2006 Xan Laurence

On the way back from Spokane, we saw several dust devils along the desert part of the drive, in eastern Oregon. It was hard to get a shot from the car, and this one is a little blurred even after attempts to sharpen the image a little. These things are a little spooky to a person from the Midwest, like me, for whom a whirling wind means a much more dangerous phenomenon, a tornado.


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