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Great Blue Herons in the WildXone
photographed locally
(southern suburbs of Minneapolis, MN)

Breat Blue Heron with mallards
©2003 Chris Mansfield

Great Blue Heron with mallards, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield, MN

Great Blue Heron
©2003 Chris Mansfield

Great Blue Heron, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield, MN

©2004 Xan Laurence

A rather fuzzy shot of a Great Blue, taken from the bus en route to the Tundra Swan/Bald Eagle tour I took in November of 2004. This was the only bird I was able to take a picture of while actually riding on the bus, though there were sightings of several red-tailed hawks and a number of other interesting birds.

Swan pictures from the tour
Eagle pictures from the tour



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