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Oregon, 2006 -- The beach
The motel we stayed in, like all its neighbors, had a stairway down to the beach, and we went down in the evening at low tide to walk along and look at the tide pools and watch the sunset.

©2006 Xan Laurence

Sunset with seagull

©2006 Xan Laurence

Low tide at sunset


©2006 Xan Laurence

Seagull bobbing for small burrowing beach life


©2006 Xan Laurence

Beach rocks with a certain dinosaurial quality

©2006 Xan Laurence

Receding tide creating some interesting patterns

©2006 Xan Laurence

Gull either contemplating the universe or waiting for dinner


©2006 Xan Laurence

Sea urchins -- not likely to be anyone's dinner


©2006 Xan Laurence

Sea urchin taco


©2006 Xan Laurence

More tide pools forming


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