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Oregon, 2006 -- Skyscapes, landscapes, shoreline and local oddities
We drove from Portland to the Pacific Coast to spend the night at a motel, and then the next morning drove north on the Pacific Coast Highway to see more of the spectacular sights of the coast.


©2006 Xan Laurence

A skyskape

©2006 Xan Laurence

Ghastly clearcut logging operation, shot in a hurry from a moving car. For some reason, trying to straighten out the picture robbed it of its impact.


©2006 Xan Laurence

Impressive cliffs near the lighthouse below


©2006 Xan Laurence

Decommissioned lighthouse, now a tourist attraction


©2006 Xan Laurence

Rocks near the lighthouse and the cliffs

©2006 Xan Laurence

Telephoto shot of Haystack Rock


©2006 Xan Laurence

Another view of Haystack Rock



©2006 Xan Laurence

A kitsch enthusiast displays his alternative to personalized license plates



©2006 Xan Laurence

Cute little 3-wheel delivery vehicle


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