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Oregon, 2006 -- The rose garden in Portland
Portland is known as the City of Roses, and here is a sample of why. Even in September, there were enough impressive roses to get good pictures of, but it would have been even more spectacular in June.

©2006 Xan Laurence

©2006 Xan Laurence


©2006 Xan Laurence


©2006 Xan Laurence


©2006 Xan Laurence

An interesting sculpture

©2006 Xan Laurence

A rose called 06R407c

©2006 Xan Laurence

And one called 07R602b


©2006 Xan Laurence

Black Magic


©2006 Xan Laurence



©2006 Xan Laurence



©2006 Xan Laurence




©2006 Xan Laurence




©2006 Xan Laurence

Reba McEntire



©2006 Xan Laurence

Scarlet moss


©2006 Xan Laurence

Touch of Class (with a little assistance from my hand)



©2006 Xan Laurence

This one I couldn't find a label for, but I like it.


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