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Cats in Guatemala

On trips to Guatemala I've noted that, while we've seen a lot of dogs on the streets, we hardly ever see any cats. But they do exist, and once in a while I would see one and be able to get a photo or two.

For a photo tour of the Guatemala trips, click here.

©2003 Xan Laurence

A new litter, doing what newborns do best. (2003)

©2003 Xan Laurence

A couple of cats at the hotel had a little spat, and one of them chased the other up the tree. The gray and white one, having successfully intimidated his (her?) opponent, casually jumped back down and sauntered off; the gray tabby, less assured, meowed mournfully while contemplating the descent with some alarm. Eventually, just as I was about to go see if I could lend a hand, the marooned kitty managed to slide down to a point where a leap was possible. (2003)

©2004 Xan Laurence

Near the end of our 2004 trip, this cat showed up at the hotel one evening. If it were sitting in any other position, it might be possible to compare its markings with those of the cat chasing its rival up the tree the year before. (2004)

©2004 Xan Laurence

At a women's crafts co-op in Antigua, this cat snoozed on a pile of weavings. According to an employee of the store, this is the most photographed cat in Antigua. (2004)

©2004 Xan Laurence

Waking up -- probably annoyed at all these people cooing at it. (2004)

©2005 Xan Laurence

One day this boy brought his cat for the kids and volunteers to see, and of course it got immediate attention. (2005)

©2005 Xan Laurence

Maybe a little too much attention ... (2005)
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