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Insects in the WildXone
Mostly butterflies and dragonflies, with a stray bee or so ...

©2004 Xan Laurence

A Red Admiral at Quarry Hill, Rochester, MN

©2004 Xan Laurence

Unknown variety, from Guatemala.

[Other pictures from Guatemala]

©2004 Xan Laurence

Another Guatemalan butterfly

©2004 Xan Laurence

Something local, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

©2004 Xan Laurence

A dragonfly at the Arboretum

©2004 Xan Laurence

Another dragonfly from the Arboretum

©2004 Xan Laurence

Dragonfly, Burnsville, MN

©2004 Xan Laurence

Another pose from the Burnsville dragonfly

©2004 Xan Laurence

Hanging around my apartment complex, Hopkins, MN

©2004 Xan Laurence

A damselfly from the Arboretum.

©2004 Xan Laurence

The stray bee, also from the Arboretum

©2005 Laurel Stiebler

Newly arrived in 2005, a Swallowtail butterfly, from the Guadalupe National Park in Texas
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