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Cardinals and Cedar Waxwings in the WildXone
Photographed at Quarry Hill, Rochester, MN

©2004 Xan Laurence

Cardinal, perched on a feeder at Quarry Hill, photographed from the indoor viewing area

©2004 Xan Laurence

Another shot of the same bird

©2004 Xan Laurence

Close-up of the same bird

©2004 Xan Laurence

Outdoors at Quarry Hill -- another day, another bird

©2004 Xan Laurence

He sure was willing to hold still ...

©2004 Xan Laurence

Female Cardinal, left, Male House Finch, center, Female House Finch, right.

©2004 Xan Laurence

Female Cardinal, left, Female House Finch, right

©2004 Xan Laurence

Cedar Waxwings

©2004 Xan Laurence

More Cedar Waxwings

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